Free Webinar: Why Conduct a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment?
Webinar description: Conducting a vulnerability assessment within an adaptation/mitigation plan to address climate change impacts and building tribal resilience is a key process that interests many natural resource and environmental staff working for and with tribes across the country. This webinar was an information and training session that aimed to provide an overview of key vulnerability assessment concepts, addressing questions such as “what are vulnerability assessments?”, “how can they inform planning and management?”, and “what do we know about tribal vulnerability assessments?”
This free webinar was hosted by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Climate Change Program and is an installment of the Topics in Climate Change Adaptation Planning webinar series. The webinar was presented by NWAL team members Derek Kauneckis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Voinovich School of Leadership & Public Affairs at Ohio University, and Anna Palmer, Research Faculty with the Division of Earth and Ecosystems Science at the Desert Research Institute.