Join us for our 2019 Tribal Summit!
About this event:
Please join us on October 23rd & 24th, 2019 in Reno, Nevada for the fifth annual Native Waters on Arid Lands (NWAL) Tribal Summit. This event features two days of presentations and interactive discussions related to climate change, water resources, agriculture, traditional knowledge, livestock and ranching, conservation practices and more.
October 23rd, 2019: 9am – 5pm
October 24th, 2019: 9am – 5pm
Atlantis Casino Resort
3800 S. Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89502
view map
Draft agenda for the NWAL 2019 Tribal Summit: Draft Agenda – 06Sept2019
Draft agenda for plenary workshop: Plenary Workshop Description 06Sep19
Registration prior to October 1, 2018: $250 per person.
Registration after October 1, 2018: $300 per person.
To register online, please continue to our Eventbrite page.
Hotel rooms for the Tribal Summit are available at the Atlantis Casino Resort at a discounted rate of $75 per night using our group rate code, SUNR20.
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa
3800 S. Virginia St.
Reno, NV 89502
Reservations: 1-800-723-6500
Book online: https://reservations.travelclick.com/98418?groupID=2586841
Group rate code: SUNR20
Any questions?
If you have questions about this event, please contact event organizers Vicki Hebb and Staci Emm.
Vicki Hebb, Summit Organizer
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
(605) 222-2062
[email protected]
Staci Emm, Extension Educator
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
(775) 945-3444 (Ext. 10)
[email protected]