Web links: Climate adaptation and planning resources
A selection of websites, reports and information that may be useful to tribes in climate change adaptation and planning efforts.
- BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Program
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is the lead agency in charge of supporting tribes as they address challenges related to climate change. The Tribal Climate Resilience Program (TCRP) provides tribes with funding for trainings and adaptation projects, technical support, and youth engagement programs.
- BIA Tribal Climate Resilience Resource Guide
A fantastic online hub of climate resilience information and resources that are available for tribes. Topics include: Training, planning, TEK/TKS, youth, tribes, regions, agencies and funding. Produced by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- ITEP Climate Change Program
The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Climate Change Program provides support for tribes that are preparing for or currently contending with climate change impacts, including trainings, reports, fact sheets and information on funding for climate adaptation projects
- SKOPE (Synthesizing Knowledge of Past Environments)
An online resource for paleoenvironmental data and models. This decision-support tool enables scholars to easily discover, explore, visualize, and synthesize knowledge of environments in the recent or remote past.
- Tribal Adaptation Plans: Examples
Learn how other tribal nations in the United States are preparing for climate change by exploring this list of existing adaptation plans. Produced by the Native Nations Climate Adaptation Program (NNCAP) at the University of Arizona.
- Tribal Climate Change Guide
From University of Oregon’s Tribal Climate Change Project, this guide contains up-to-date information on funding opportunities, sample climate change adaptation plans, listings of disaster resources and more.
- US Climate Resilience Toolkit
The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit is designed to help people find and use tools, information, and subject matter expertise to build climate resilience. Includes specific information for tribal nations. Produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
- Tribal Climate Change Project
University of Oregon’s Tribal Climate Change Project focuses on understanding needs and opportunities for tribes in addressing climate change, examining the government-to-government relationship in a climate context and exploring the role of traditional knowledge in climate change studies, assessments and plans. Their work includes a database of Tribal Climate Change profiles that describes innovative approaches that tribes across the country are using to address climate change.