Related Publications
The following reports and peer-reviewed publications were authored or co-authored by members of the Native Waters on Arid Lands team on topics relevant to the work of of the NWAL project.
Authors: Edited by Karletta Chief; Includes published work from NWAL team members Bonnie Colby, Helen M. Fillmore, Loretta Singletary, and John Phillips.
Publication date: April 2018
Source: Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education. Issue 163.
Authors: Suhina Deol and Bonnie Colby
Publication date: April 2018
Source: Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 163: 45-63.
Authors: Bonnie Colby and Ryan Young
Publication date: 2018
Source: Western Economic Forum. 16(1): 38-46.
Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples: A Synthesis of Current Impacts and Experiences
Authors: Kathryn Norton-Smith, Kathy Lynn, Karletta Chief, Karen Cozzetto, Jamie Donatuto, Margaret Hiza Redsteer, Linda E. Kruger, Julie Maldonado, Carson Viles, and Kyle P. Whyte
Publication date: 2016
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-944. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Engaging Southwestern Tribes in Sustainable Water Resources Topics and Management
Authors: Karletta Chief, Alison Meadow and Kyle Whyte
Publication date: 2016
Source: Water 2016, 8(8), 350; doi:10.3390/w8080350
Tribal Leaders Summit on Climate Change: A Focus on Climate Adaptation Planning and Implementation
Authors: Mary Black, Karletta Chief, Katharine Jacobs, Schuyler Chew, and Lynn Rae.
Publication date: 2015
Source: The University of Arizona’s Native Nations Climate Change Adaptation Program (NNCCAP).